
Know. O friend! Reflection [on creation on the signs of God in the universe] is like light; it removes or melts the frozen heedlessness to and unawareness of [God]. Being careful and attentive is like fire it burns the “dried rubbish” of doubts and suspicions [about Him].
If you go deep in your inner world but make a brief and fast journey in the outer world you can approach unity. Individual parts acquire wholeness compounds become composites and composites become unified. And from this issues the light of conviction of unity.
Reflection meaning thinking on a subject deeply systematically and in detail reflection is the lamp of the heart the food of the spirit the spirit of knowledge and the soul and light of believers' way of life.
Morals are a set of noble principles governing human conduct and originate in high spirituality. For this reason people who neglect spirituality and are therefore lacking in spiritual values cannot sustain conduct in accordance with these principles.
What we call ‘natural laws’ are the names which we give to the ways of acting or the attributes of the primordial nature God has determined for creatures
A selection from the poems of the Muslim intellectual. Fethullah Gulen.
Are all of life's hardships worth enduring? The answer depends on what our goal is in living. In fact understanding the purpose of life is a slow and absorbing process.